Celebrating Kakadu culture

Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) was a proud major sponsor of the 2017 Mahbilil Festival held on Saturday 26 August in Jabiru.
The festival celebrated Kakadu culture through an explosion of music, dance, bushfoods, art, workshops and culture. Mahbilil (named after the cooling afternoon breeze) attracted people from around Kakadu and West Arnhem, as well as Darwin, Katherine and lots of tourists travelling through the region.
The event has flow on benefits for the whole community through the investment visitors make in the accommodation they book, the petrol they buy, the food and snacks they purchase and the positive stories they take away from their weekend in this beautiful and unique location.
It was a great turn out to the event with many locals and tourists coming through the ERA information stall to learn about operations and rehabilitation projects at Ranger Mine.
For more information including photos from the event, visit www.mahbililfestival.com.