Cessation of Processing 8 January 2021

On 8 January 2021, ERA’s Ranger operation reached a significant milestone. In accordance with the regulatory framework under which Ranger operates, the processing of uranium ore ceased and the last drum of uranium oxide was produced. ERA is continuing to progressively rehabilitate the Ranger Minesite. ERA’s long-term commitment is to return the disturbed area to a viable ecosystem similar to the surrounding environment and in line with its obligations to stakeholders and regulators, and the expectations of the community.|
Above is a video marking the cessation of processing on 8 January 2021. You’ll hear from some of our people and their time at Ranger mine.
This day is a significant milestone for ERA as the business looks ahead after 40 years of mining and processing operations. Ranger will continue to be a busy place with rehabilitation activities our major focus over the coming years. This is an opportunity to once again showcase the passion, talent and efforts of the ERA team as we deliver world-class closure outcomes.
For more information on our closure and progressive rehabilitation, you can read our Mine Closure Plan update.