Crocodiles safely removed from site
The Northern Territory is famous for its abundance of crocodiles. For ERA’s Ranger mine it is a unique risk of working around the numerous ponds, waterways and creeks that are located on the mining lease.
Heavy rains late in the wet season have resulted in a large volume of water around the West Arnhem Region. When there is flooding in creeks and floodplains, crocodiles are known to be on the move and the safety risk is elevated.
During February an estimated 2.5 metre long crocodile was sighted in RP6 at Range mine. A crocodile trap was deployed and two crocodiles were caught and removed. The estuarine crocodiles that were caught were a male 2.30 metres long and a female 1.58 metres long.
The deployment and recovery of crocodile traps is managed by ERA’s trained Environment Support Team using onsite cranes deployed by the ERA Operations Team.
Once caught, the crocodile trap is recovered and transported to Parks Australia for removal and release. Parks Australia rangers uniquely identify and measure the crocodiles. In this case, both crocodiles were released at Malabanjbanjdju in Kakadu National Park.
Whether at work, out fishing on the weekend or just showing friends the incredible West Arnhem Region, remember you must always be cautious and be Crocwise every time you go near or in a waterway in the Top End.
For more information and tips to be Crocwise visit