ERA proud to support Mahbilil 2018

Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) was proud to be major sponsor and supporter of the 2018 Mahbilil Festival held on Saturday 1 September in Jabiru, Northern Territory.
The festival celebrated Kakadu culture through an explosion of music, dance, bushfoods, art, workshops and culture.
The annual Mahbilil festival (named after the cooling afternoon breeze) attracts people from around Kakadu and West Arnhem, as well as Darwin, Katherine and tourists travelling through the region.
The ERA information booth provided an excellent opportunity for local community members and visitors to meet with ERA staff from a variety of fields including health and safety, water management, radiation and community engagement and also receive updates on Ranger mine operations and rehabilitation projects.
The Mahbilil festival has flow on benefits for the whole community through the investment visitors make in the accommodation they book, the petrol they buy, the food and snacks they purchase and the positive stories they take away from the festival in this beautiful and unique location.
For information about the festival visit