ERA wins third at Northern Australia mining emergency response competition

Members of the Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) Emergency Response Team have won third place at the 2018 Northern Australia Emergency Response Competition held in Mount Isa.
The ERA team included Isaac Murray, Andy Lonergan, Matthew Lynch, Laurence Wood, Manish Raju, Lisa Puckering, Matthew Ernesti and Katrina Bangay.
A number of scenario based emergency events were held covering search and rescue, firefighting, hazmat, first aid, rescue from heights, road accident rescue, theory exams and individual skills.
The competition aimed to promote safety, build team work, personal confidence, promote emergency response training, foster comradeship and encourage networking.
Competition was strong but the ERA Emergency Response Team did well winning third overall plus winning third best captain, second best medic, third in the road accident rescue, second in hazmat and third in the search and rescue scenario.
With a primary focus on participation and skills development, the competition offered ERA Emergency Response Team members the chance to learn from others in their field and identify new practices and techniques that can be applied in emergency response scenarios at Ranger mine.