KNP tours Ranger rehabilitation progress

Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) is committed to open and transparent communication with its stakeholders and the community. One way this is achieved is through site visits and briefings with our expert scientists and engineers.
On 5 March, Board members and Park Managers from Kakadu National Park (KNP) visited Ranger mine where they were briefed on current site management plans and progressive rehabilitation across site.
Their visit included a trip to see Pit 1 backfill progress and a walk-through of the trial landform and the proposed new nursery site for the seedlings that our partners Kakadu Native Plants will be growing over the coming years as part of the Ranger rehabilitation process.
They were accompanied by Dr Ping Lu (ERA Principal advisor rehabilitation and Ecology) and Peter Christophersen (Director of the Kakadu Native Plants ltd).
Visits like this are an important opportunity to demonstrate first-hand to our local stakeholders the progress being made on rehabilitation across site and to share our world-class mine management techniques across industries.
Members of the public also have the opportunity to visit the Ranger mine and take a behind the scenes look at operations by attending one of our free dry-season open days. For more information please contact the ERA Communities Office in Jabiru.