Let’s talk to… Joe Qualter

Department: Plant operations
Current position: Plant control processing C
Number of years at Energy Resources of Australia (ERA): 35 years, 8 months
Describe your time at ERA; your current and previous roles:
I started in mine operations then 2 years in processing followed by 13 years in the acid plant. At the moment I'm working in solvent extraction. From 1997-2000 I was a training supervisor which I found interesting and it was good to see people willing to learn and pick up knowledge.
What differences have you seen in your time at ERA?
Safety awareness is huge now, though it is has always been an important part in doing our roles over the years.
Are your Darwin / FIFO / Jabiru based?
I have been residential at Jabiru since I started in 1981. To me it’s not isolation as we have access to the highway, its easy to get to Darwin and there is lots to see and do in the area.
What has been your favourite holiday destination?
New York City, I've have been there 5 or 6 times now. But I have always enjoyed travelling and seeing new places including the Great Wall of China, Moscow, the pyramids and Niagara falls.
What’s one thing most colleagues would not know about you?
I’ve been to Graceland.
What safety advice would you give to a new starter?
Be aware of fatigue on site, it can sneak up on you. Remember to wear a hat, drink plenty of fluids and don’t overdo it.