New generation of birds makes Jabiluka home

There have been positive signs of regrowth and wildlife at Energy Resources of Australia’s Jabiluka revegetation site following the recent wet season.
Contractor Peter Christophersen of Kakadu Native Plants, was on site recently conducting weed control, when he spotted new Partridge pigeons hatching.
Work began on rehabilitating the disturbed land on the Jabiluka Mineral Lease in 2003 when the surface and sub-surface infrastructure was removed and the box-cut and decline were backfilled. In 2013, ERA committed to rehabilitating the Interim Water Management Pond.
The programme of work included removal of the pond liner and concrete spillway, relocation of waste rock stockpiles, re-grading of fill surfaces, and excavation work. The land was reshaped and re-contoured so that it was similar to the pre-mining landform.
Revegetation of the disturbed areas at the Jabiluka footprint took place in three stages over a decade. ERA formed a strategic partnership with a local indigenous supplier Kakadu Native Plants, which raised saplings from seeds collected within the lease area.
In total, more than 16,000 stems were planted between 2005 and 2015, consisting of more than two dozen different species of native plants.
Ongoing weed, fire and water quality management is in place at Jabiluka.
The world-class Jabiluka deposit, which is under long term care and maintenance and will not be developed by ERA without the consent of the Mirarr Traditional Owners.