Public gets a behind the scenes look at Ranger Mine

Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) has held its first community information day for the 2017 dry season inviting the public to learn more about the Ranger Mine and to take a behind the scenes tour.
The event coincided with the Jabiru Out and About in Kakadu day.
More than 50 people visited the ERA Information Centre in Jabiru and took part in the bus tours of the Ranger Mine learning about ERA’s operations and major projects.
Participants included tourists, local residents and family of ERA staff who work at the mine.
The open days will continue during the dry season on Thursday 29 June, Saturday 29 July, and Thursday 24 August.
For more information or to register for a tour, contact the ERA Information Centre on 08 8938 1713 or visit the Centre, located next door to Jabiru Foodland in the town plaza.