Ranger 3 Deeps showcased in new book

A team of geological experts from Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) have shared their knowledge of the unique world-class Ranger 3 Deeps uranium deposit in a new scientific paper published in the Australian Ore Deposits Monograph.
Lead author ERA Senior Geologist Stephen Pevely, with Mark Hinman and ERA Senior Geophysicist Andrew McLellan, contributed the paper titled ‘The Ranger 3 Deeps uranium deposit, Northern Territory’ based on extensive data collection and scientific research of the complex ore body.

The book is published every 20 years by the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and is an influential collection of all significant ore deposits from around Australia.
ERA's Ranger 1, Ranger 3 and Jabiluka uranium deposits have all been included in previous versions of the Monograph.
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