World class radiation safety skills recognised

After four years of hard work, ERA’s Specialist Radiation Safety Adviser, Allan Seini has been awarded Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) certification by RPA2000 in the UK. Only 570 people in the world have this certification.
In the UK the Qualified Expert in terms of Radiation Protection under UK legislation is the Radiation Protection Advisor (RPA) and there is a requirement to meet certain strict standards to be able to practice as an RPA.
Allan’s main reason for wanting to achieve this certification was for personal satisfaction to see if he could meet the high standards they require.
The accreditation process required Allan to submit a portfolio of evidence and proof of competencies and qualifications, which all have to follow the strict guidelines as set out by RPA 2000. Allan said it is a very hard certification to obtain in the UK, but even more difficult doing so from a remote location in Australia.
“All up it was a four year process for me to be able to show that I met the requirements which included months of preparation for my application which was reviewed by three very qualified assessors of which all three had to agree and took over six months,” said Allan.
“I look forward to being able to share the skills and experiences I have gained through the process with my fellow ERA Radiation Advisers to ensure the continued safety of our crews, contractors and visitors here at Ranger Mine.”
Allan has worked in the radiation field for more than 32 years, with six of those at the Ranger Mine. Allan also holds memberships to several Radiation Protection Societies, and is a full member of the Society for Radiation Protection in the UK, the Australasian Radiation Protection Society and the Health Physics Society in the USA.
He was previously employed as Senior Radiation Protection Instructor at the Koeberg Nuclear Power Station in South Africa, and holds a Graduate Certificate in Radiation Safety. He has worked in Radiation Safety in South Africa, the USA and the UK.